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Dying Light Enhancements Highlight #1

Become A Legend

Become the ultimate Will Smith legend of the apocalypse.

Legend Levels are part of Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition which launches in February. All players with an existing copy of Dying Light will get a free upgrade containing Legend Levels. Noice!


This could be you

Dying Light: The Following comes to PS4, Xbox One, and PC on February 9th 2016.

+ posts

Although he has been gaming since the Sega Mega Drive launched in 1990, he still sucks at most games. When not being trash he watches French horror films, drinks herbal tea and secretly loves the music of Taylor Swift.

Written By Trent Saunders

Although he has been gaming since the Sega Mega Drive launched in 1990, he still sucks at most games. When not being trash he watches French horror films, drinks herbal tea and secretly loves the music of Taylor Swift.


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