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The Latest Overwatch 2 Hero Cinematic Is An Aussie Born Queen Of Carnage

Mad Max(ine)

While the Overwatch 2 beta might have left some people wanting, you can’t argue that more character-driven media is great to see.

Teased a long time ago as part of an earlier cinematic, keen-eyed observers managed to identify that the Junker faction of dorks within the Overwatch universe had a rather kickass looking queen; who had exiled both Junkrat and Roadhog. There was even enough visual media to get a rough look at her – but all that speculative TRASH is in the GARBAGE because our queen has HER OWN INTRODUCTION CINEMATIC:

With a hefty dose of action and some very clever character beats, we meet a slighted woman who is happy to enact revenge – but does it in a way that makes friends, not a bloody mess. It’s a testament to the Blizzard story team that they can create a nuanced character that could easily be portrayed as a caricature – all within a tight 7 minute window.

The cherry on top is absolutely the punk rock theme at the end of the video, just to really nail the whole presentation; She’ll burn it down with kerosene!

Are you keen for another Aussie in the world of Overwatch? Let us know in the comments or on our social media.

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Written By Ash Wayling

Known throughout the interwebs simply as M0D3Rn, Ash is bad at video games. An old guard gamer who suffers from being generally opinionated, it comes as no surprise that he is both brutally loyal and yet, fiercely whimsical about all things electronic. On occasion will make a youtube video that actually gets views. Follow him on YouTube @Bad at Video Games


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