Feature Destiny 2 Beta – A Second Chance At A First Impression Edward shares his thoughts on recent Destiny 2 beta. Find out what's new, what's good and what could still use some improvement. Edward DarlingJuly 26, 2017
Feature (I Know It’s My) Destiny – A Look Back With Destiny 2 on the horizon, Edward takes a look back at his time with the original Edward DarlingJuly 20, 2017
Opinions Pokémon’s Formula Hasn’t Changed – And It Doesn’t Need To The more something changes, the less copies it sells. Arana JudithDecember 8, 2016
Feature The (Real) History Behind Battlefield 1 We're here, because we're here, because we're here... Arana JudithOctober 12, 2016
Opinions FIFAs New Journey Rudi takes a look at Journey Mode for FIFA 17 announced at this years E3 Rudi DrendelJune 21, 2016