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The Latest (And Possibly Last) Team Fortress 2 Comic Has Been Released

It’s a Smissmas miracle!

After patiently waiting nearly 8 years, the Team Fortress 2 community have been shocked to find an early gift stuffed into their holiday stocking – a brand new issue of the serialised lunacy that is the TF2 comic series.

Ending on a particularly huge note all those years ago in TF Comics #6: “The Naked and the Dead”, with the Administrator having dosed herself up on lifesaving Australium, the bold print of TO BE CONCLUDED had most players expecting the next chapter to tie everything up in a bow and to perhaps be delivered in a reasonable amount of time.

However, that issue released on January 10, 2017 – and after a solid stretch of waiting the community decided to pen the epic finale themselves, even reaching out to the writers at Valve to perhaps get some kind of approval or blessing. Only they were shocked when the reply from Valve’s end was an awkward response that they were already working on the finale.

And now, it has arrived.

The Team Fortress 2 comics are a fun experiment with adding lore to a game that clearly doesn’t depend on it. The never ending violence and team-based objective pushing don’t lend well to moments of gravitas or character growth, but BY GUM those crazy loons at Valve did it anyway. And now, with the MASSIVE issue 7, we see a great many plot threads get wrapped up.

Not only that, but a thinly veiled nod at us, the player, for being with them for the whole crazy adventure.

I could wax lyrical about the revelations and discoveries within the comic (how many kidneys does the Scout have?!) but really, it is an adventure from start to finish – so I urge you to check it out for yourself. If you are a TF2 fan, you are likely already on the wagon – if you are not a TF2 fan, and have never read the comics, give them a whirl and I dare you to not have a good time.

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If you’ll need me, I’ll be over here weeping at the thought that perhaps this is the true end of Team Fortress 2 comics – not sad that it is over, but that it was so brilliant and heart-warming.

Have you patiently waited for this incredible next issue? Are you shocked at where the Mercs ended up? Tell us all about it in the comments or on social media.

Written By Ash Wayling

Known throughout the interwebs simply as M0D3Rn, Ash is bad at video games. An old guard gamer who suffers from being generally opinionated, it comes as no surprise that he is both brutally loyal and yet, fiercely whimsical about all things electronic. On occasion will make a youtube video that actually gets views. Follow him on YouTube @Bad at Video Games


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