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Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Gets Gameplay Reveal And Release Window


At Xbox’s E3 Briefing, the previously titled Dragon Ball Project Z received not only a short story and gameplay trailer but also an updated title, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot.

As seen in its reveal trailer in January, the game is set to follow Goku’s story, including at least two sagas from the anime: the Saiyan Saga and the Frieza Saga.

We also get a small taste of the combat gameplay, with fights against Nappa and Frieza. Definitely some Xenoverse 2 vibes but definitely excited to see how it feels and how they build on this type of combat.

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Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is coming to Xbox One, PS4 and PC early 2020

Written By Zachary Reardon

Zachary is a console gamer at heart, but is slowly coming over to the PC side. Rhythm games like Project Diva and Groove Coaster are his comfort food, but is happy to dive into any genre if it looks enticing enough. His favourite game of all time is Portal 2 despite his struggle with modern puzzle games. Twitter - @simply_daft PSN - SimplyDaft Twitch - Simply_Daft


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