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Has Crackdown 3 Been Secretly Pulled From Its February 22, 2019 Release Date?

Very strange indeed

The news never ends with Crackdown 3. Receiving a myriad of delays and essentially being stuck in a form of development hell, Microsoft’s exclusive appears to have had some more fuel added to its controversial flame.

It seems as if Xbox’s social media profiles jumped the gun and announced a February 22, 2019 release date, and as a result major outlets such as Game Informer, Press Start and Gematsu all published articles with the game’s Feb 22 release date based off the social media posts. While normally this is good news, all official Microsoft sites point to a February 2019 release window but no specific release date. Even the E3 trailer for the game states a release window of February 2019. The only mention of February 22nd was on the official Xbox Twitter profile on June 11. However, it has since been removed.

Visiting the Xbox Store page leaves you with the February 2019 release window and the only other place that the specific release date can be found is on the EB Games listing for Crackdown 3. Now, this could be for a number of reasons, but the most logical would be that the game was originally intended for this release date. However, after E3 revealed that Anthem, Metro Exodus and Days Gone were all releasing on that same day the decision may have been made to pull this specific release date and maybe try to release the game at a more opportune time in the month. What’s even more bizarre is looking for the game on the Microsoft Store app in Windows 10 yields no results outside of the Xbox Game Pass and searching for the game on the Microsoft Store website will show a release date of Spring 2018 and for Xbox One only, which is very inaccurate.

This also follows the news that the creator of the Crackdown series is no longer involved with Crackdown 3. Could this mean bad things for the Microsoft exclusive? Only time will tell.

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Written By Jordan Garcia

Jordan lives and breathes Dark Souls, even though his favourite game is Bloodborne. He takes pride in bashing his face on walls and praising the sun. Hailing from the land of tacos, he is the token minority for WellPlayed.




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