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Apex Legends Season 10 – Emergence Is Live Now; Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Seer is here

Valkyrie has had her time in the sun, now it’s time for another Legend to have their moment. That’s right, Apex Legends Season 10 – Emergence is here, bringing with it a new Legend, a new weapon, major map changes and plenty of other bits and pieces. Whether you’ve been diving into the new content all day today or you’re knocking off work and heading home to fire it up now, you’ll need to be up to date with what’s going on. So, here’s everything new in Season 10  – Emergence.

New Legend – Seer

The new Legend emerging in Season 10 is Seer, an artist with a fine eye for detail. Seer is known as an Ambush Artist, able to track the movements of other Legends in order to get the drop on them. As well as being incredibly stylish, Seer has a number of abilities that will make him an absolute beast in the games. Here are his abilities:

Passive Ability: Heart Seeker – While aiming down sights, Seer can hear and visualise enemies heartbeats, revealing their general location.

Tactical Ability: Focus of Attention – Seer summons micro-drones that emit a delayed blast that passes through walls, interrupting enemies as they use healing items while revealing their location.

Ultimate Ability: Exhibit – Seer throws his Heart Chamber, creating a dome of micro-drones, revealing the location of all enemies running or firing within range to Seer and his teammates.

Map Update – Decimated World’s Edge

Hands up who disliked the orange hue that engulfed World’s Edge? Everyone? Awesome, well you’re in luck. Yep, first things first, the skybox has been changed to a more neutral time of day, giving the entire map a cooler tone.

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In more substantial news, the Refinery has been replaced by the Climatizer, a new POI that brings with it a snowy surrounding and a great big lava fissure. Speaking of which, that fissure will run almost the entire length of the map, connecting to the existing lava-filled crack in Fragment East.

The sorting factory has also been given the flick, with Lava Siphon taking its place. This new POI is big and dangerous, giving players a connected series of buildings to battle it out in that are surrounded by life-draining liquid fire.

Another new addition is the gondolas, small moving transports that connect two platforms. These rail-ridding pieces of cover can be found in Climatizer and Lava Siphon, giving players a chance to cover some distance without being in full view of enemy teams.

The last location to get the boot will make some happy and others furious. Yes, the Train Yard is officially gone. This divisive area has been replaced by Landslide, a more open and neutral POI that will hopefully minimise the long, drawn-out fights that usually take place around this part of the map.

Some smaller changes have also been made that should give players some new options as well. First off, a new rotation has been added to Overlook, providing a new path into the area that should ease some issues that arise in that area. Secondly, a new tunnel has been added that connects Overlook to Geyser, branching off the existing tunnel network.

New Weapon – Rampage

This weapon is right up my alley. The Rampage is a heavy ammo LMG with a fairly slow fire rate but with decently high damage. Best at mid-range, the Rampage has one feature that no other weapon does, you can stick a grenade in it. Loading a Termite Grenade into this death-dealer greatly increases its fire rate, making it a beast of a gun even at close range.

Ranked Arenas

This is exactly as stated on the tin, the 3v3 Arenas mode is a getting Ranked play. Players who wish to up the anty will take place in ten placement matches to determine their initial MMR and then it’ll be up to you to get some dubs and rise in the ranks. Ranked matches will be slightly different to the BR mode, in that you won’t be required to pay AP to enter a match, it’s just about getting in there and winning.

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Another factor that sets Ranked Arenas apart from BR is the lack of a mid-season split. Instead of resetting through, you’ll be able to work your way through the ranks all season long.

Major Patch Changes

A New Heirloom: Another flashy new Heirloom has been added to the game, with Bangalore being the lucky recipient. Her ‘Cold Steel’ Heirloom pack comes with a curved knife, a banner pose and a quip.

A New Ping Option: In response to an enemy ping you’ll now be able to respond with ‘Hold On’, giving you a clearer way to communicate with your teammates.

Fully Kitted Rotation: The weapons that you can find fully kitted around the map have been shaken up. You’ll no longer stumble upon gold varients of the Wingman, Bocek, R99, Hemlock, and Sentinel, but instead, you’ll be able to score a Peacekeeper, Rampage, RE-45, Flatline, and Charge Rifle that have all of the relevant attachments equipped.

Supply Drop Rotation: Similarly, the weapons found in supply drops have been changed. The Prowler has been taken out of the drop and added back into the general loot pool, with the Spitfire and Alternator taking its place. Obviously, all three of these weapons will be getting buffs and nerfs to coincide with their rearrangement.

There are a whole host of other changes, bug fixes and adjustments that have been made to weapons, items and Legends with this Season’s patch and you can read about all of them in the official patch notes.

New Season Pass

As with every season, there’s a new Season Pass being introduced with Emergence. There are 110 levels to work through, netting you exclusive weapon and Legend skins, charms, emotes, holo sprays and other cosmetic items. The paid side of the season pass kicks off with skins for Seer, Wattson and Gibraltar, alongside a very snazzy weapon skin for the 30-30 Repeater.

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There we go, you’re all up to date with all of the new content to come from Season 10, I’ll see you in the Arena.

What catches your eye the most from Season 10’s new content? Are you going to be buying the season pass? Lets us know in the comments or on our social media.

Written By Adam Ryan

Adam's undying love for all things PlayStation can only be rivalled by his obsession with vacuuming. Whether it's a Dyson or a DualShock in hand you can guarantee he has a passion for it. PSN: TheVacuumVandal XBL: VacuumVandal Steam: TheVacuumVandal




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