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When ‘A’ And ‘B’ Fail, Where Do You Turn? – Xürday Times #4 (Week 51)

Xür returns to the Tower with some new plans for us to try

Sorry for another late issue, I’ve been cooking something up for you guys that you’ll enjoy. Anyways, Xür has returned to the Tower to rub his tentacles all over your gear in the vault. Oh and he’s got some things too.

Xür is in the Shipyard, directly to your right as you go down the stairs into it.

Dance with me, Xür!

Dance with me, Xür!

Mr. Tentacleface has brought Auto Rifle, Pulse Rifle and Scour Rifle telemetries for those of you who want to level up those guns faster (NOTE: In The Taken King telemetries are getting simplified to Primary, Secondary and Heavy telemetries. So purchasing these may not be the wisest.). These will set you back 1 Strange Coin for 5 telemetries. Plasma Drive and “Emerald Coil” vehicle upgrades for upgrading those blue rare-quality sparrows and will set you back 23 Strange Coins each. We also have 5 Heavy Ammo Synthesis for 1 Strange Coin, Exotic Shards for 7 Strange Coins each and Exotic Gauntlet engrams for 23 Mote of Light each. Last but not least we have 1 Mote of Light for 2 Strange Coins.

"Let me disappoint you." - Xür 2015

“Let me disappoint you.” – Xür 2015

When ‘A’ and ‘B’ have failed, where do you turn to? Plan C! This exotic fusion rifle bears the Plan C exotic perk whereby charge and equip times are very short immediately after weapon swap. Also, this weapon bears a secret perk which allows the user to become more agile, much like the MIDA Multi Tool does once given the exotic upgrade. This is a solid fusion rifle, however, fusion rifles in general don’t see much love. This one is a judgement call, all up to you. This is being sold for 17 Strange Coins..

What's next? The D?

What’s next? The D?

For Titans, he has the Peregrine Greaves. These exotic boots offer the Peregrine Strike perk which allows the Striker Titan’s shoulder charge to deal more damage when performed in the air. Personally, I am not a great fan of these exotics as in PVE I am generally running Defender with Helm of Saint-14 and in PVP I either use The Armamentariem or Helm of Inmost Light. However, I can see how these can be used, especially against Warlocks using The Ram. These boots are being sold for 13 Strange Coins.

Do you kneed some help?

Do you kneed some help?

For Hunters, he has the Crest of Alpha Lupi. This chest piece bears the Keeper of the Pack perk which allows the user to perform quicker revives and be revived quicker; also you can generate more orbs of light. This is a very good exotic for Trials of Osiris and Prison of Elders. For those of you who don’t have it, I would highly recommend it! This piece is being sold for 13 Strange Coins.

Alpha or Omega? Which record to choose?

Alpha or Omega? Which record to choose?

For Warlocks, he has the scuba div- I mean the Apotheosis Veil. This helmet offers the Private Reserves exotic upgrade perk. This allows the user to regenerate all their health upon a super being activated, however this helmet saw a rise in popularity for Crota’s End on Hard where Crota lacked a healing mechanic. This helmet also has the perk which allows users to regenerate health when an orb of light is picked up. I would recommend this helmet, especially if you’re looking to grab your first exotic. It’s nothing special, but it is still a solid helmet! This helmet is being sold for 13 Strange Coins.

Allow me to breathe underwater.

Allow me to breathe underwater.

Did you enjoy Xür’s visit this week? Did you don the Scuba Gear or do you kneed some help? Which one should I get? Alpha or Omega? Thank you for tuning into the Xürday Times this week and we hope to see you return next week for issue #5! For the meantime…

Guardians out!

Written By Jordan Garcia

Jordan lives and breathes Dark Souls, even though his favourite game is Bloodborne. He takes pride in bashing his face on walls and praising the sun. Hailing from the land of tacos, he is the token minority for WellPlayed.


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