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EXCLUSIVE: CI Games Reveal Two Previously Unannounced Multiplayer Modes For Sniper Ghost Warrior 3

Snipers, get ready for online war

Many fans of CI Games’ recent sniper game, Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, have been hanging out for the game’s multiplayer modes, which were not available when the game launched back on April 26 earlier this year. We broke the news that SGW3 would not launch with its multiplayer modes, and today we have a new exclusive to bring you, this time regarding the game’s previously unannounced multiplayer modes.

We recently sat down with Daniel Slawinski, a Senior Level Designer for CI Games and on SGW3, to gain an insight into both the studio and the SGW3 project pre and post-launch. You can read the full interview here. However, I am happy to be able to share a golden nugget of information regarding the unannounced multiplayer modes today.

Daniel Slawinski: The multiplayer mode of SGW3 will feature different sniper-focused game modes and, today, I can share two of them with you. One, which we have called The Bounty Hunter, will challenge you in how long you stay alive and part of the scoring will depend on that. The second one will be based on 1 on 1 combat, set on smaller maps. Overall, for all the modes, we are preparing a variety of different maps, each of which was designed taking into the account the specific gameplay of each mode. It goes without saying, but you will be able to use some cool sniper rifles and the general progression will be separate from the single-player game. Obviously, each sniper rifle from the selection has its pros and cons. You will also have a selection of bullets to choose from, with the tagging bullet being just one example. We will also bring back some of the core mechanics that our fans previously enjoyed, such as a warning device.

These newly-announced modes join Team Deathmatch and Deathmatch modes as part of the game’s upcoming multiplayer component which CI Games are hoping to have released by the end of 2017.

In the meantime, players can tackle the game’s first single-player DLC, The Sabotage, which puts players in the shoes of Robert North and focuses on the events leading up to game’s main campaign. You can view the trailer below:

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Despite a childhood playing survival horrors, point and clicks and beat ’em ups, these days Zach tries to convince people that Homefront: The Revolution is a good game while pining for a sequel to The Order: 1886 and a live-action Treasure Planet film. Carlton, Burnley FC & SJ Sharks fan. Get around him on Twitter @tightinthejorts

Written By Zach Jackson

Despite a childhood playing survival horrors, point and clicks and beat ’em ups, these days Zach tries to convince people that Homefront: The Revolution is a good game while pining for a sequel to The Order: 1886 and a live-action Treasure Planet film. Carlton, Burnley FC & SJ Sharks fan. Get around him on Twitter @tightinthejorts


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