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Tight In The Jorts: June 2022 Edition

June has range

June 1 – Nemesis Lockdown (PC)

June 1 – Silt (PS4/PS5/Switch/PC)

June 1 – Diablo Immortal (PC/Android/iOS)

June 2 – Card Shark (Switch/PC)

June 3 – Wonder Boy Collection (PS4/Switch)

June 6 – The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle (PC/Mac)

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June 7 – SpellForce 3 Reforced (PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S/PC)

June 8 – Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (Switch)

June 10 – The Quarry (PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S/PC)

June 10 – Mario Strikers: Battle League (Switch)

June 16 – Redout 2 (PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S/PC)

June 20 – Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection (PC)

June 21 – The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle (PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S)

June 21 – Shadowrun Trilogy (PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S/Switch)

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June 22 – Born Punk (PC)

June 23 – Sonic Origins (PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S/PC)

June 23 – Deliver Us the Moon (PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S/PC)

June 24 – Capcom Fighting Collection (PS4/Xbox One/Switch/PC)

June 24 – AI: The Somnium Files – nirvanA Initiative (PS4/Xbox One/Switch/PC)

June 24 – MADiSON (PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S/PC)

June 24 – Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes (Switch)

June 28 – Disgaea 6 Complete (PS5/PS4/PC)

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June 28 – FOBIA: St. Dinfna Hotel (PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S/PC)

June 30 – Outriders: Worldslayer (PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S/PC)

June 30 – Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course (PS4/Xbox One/Switch/PC)

June 30 – Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak (Switch/PC)

While it’s impossible for anyone to really tear their eyes from Morbius: The Game, we have to at least try. Those thirsting for AAA bangers might find June as much a cold and desolate wasteland as the entirety of Australia’s southeast right now, but if you lend your ear to the wintery stillness in the dead of the cold night, you’ll still hear the soft twang of yet another pair of WellPlayed jorts losing the fight. Without further ado, it’s morbin’ time!


Let me tell you a secret. I actually don’t mind Musou games. For all their terrible textures and wholly repetitive gameplay, I get a thrill out of all the new licensed Warriors games. Fire Emblem included. I never finish them, but I am eager to throw Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes straight in the backlog of pride on June 24. Speaking of ambitions for the backlog, Shadowrun Returns and its two follow-ups are games I’ve started countless times, never finished, yet adore for their kooky cyberpunk magic and sexy turn-based tactical combat. Here’s hoping that with their console releases imminent on June 21, I’ll get a chance to clock one on my console of choice – the Switch. A better combo than chocolate and Turkish delight is visual novel mystery puzzlers and the Switch. After wiping its predecessor from my pledges and having a great time doing so, I’m all prepared to see what Aiba and her one-eyed host are up to in AI The Somnium Files: Nirvana Initiative. Lastly, the balm to any exhausting day is a mindless action RPG lootathon. If all goes well, Diablo Immortal and Outriders: Worldslayer will scratch my Destiny itch when I inevitably burn out this season. If these two turn out to be disappointments, Kickstarter board game legends Awaken Realms are here to sate me with an Early Access adaptation of their latest release, Nemesis Lockdown, on June 1.


A quick glance at June holds some treasures for just about everyone, but more importantly for me. It’s my birthday month after all. First things first, a return to Fire Emblem via the Warriors series in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. I adored the cast of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, so I’m all in to spend more time getting to know them along with the newest cast members. I’ve also been keeping a close eye on Card Shark, a clever little indie about cheating your way through high-stakes card games in 18th-century France, the Shadowrun Trilogy makes a welcome jump to consoles this month (my Switch will be pleased) and in amongst all of that, Capcom somehow remembered Darkstalkers exists by bringing back the monster beat ’em up via the Capcom Fighting Collection. Yup, gonna be a good birthday!


Reaching the midpoint of the year and my jorts keep getting tighter. The Elder Scrolls Online: High Isle has me keen to jump back in and try something new, no one has ever created a stealth archer before I’m sure of it. Although the multiplayer has been delayed, I look forward to diving into some horror with The Quarry, with this spiritual successor to Until Dawn looking more than a little intriguing. From teen slasher horror to violent soccer mayhem, I’m also also looking forward to some thrilling sports action in Mario Strikers: Battle League.

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Can you smell that? It’s the smell of gamer Christmas – June’s collection of events that not only gives us a look at games still to come this year and beyond but tasty new announcements. While Geoff, Phil and co host the festivities, there are still a bunch of games landing this month that are worth putting the denim on for. As a fan of Supermassive Games’ work and after playing the preview, The Quarry is high on the list of games to check out. The there’s the Australian-made point-and-click game Born Punk, which hits Steam on June 22. Horror seems to be the flavour of the month with MADiSON and FOBIA: St. Dinfna Hotel both releasing late in the month, with the former’s PT inspiration catching my eye.

Written By WellPlayed


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