March 1st – Dead or Alive 6 (PS4/Xbox One/PC)
March 4th – Black Desert (Xbox One)
March 5th – Left Alive (PS4/PC)
March 5th – Move or Die (PS4)
March 8th – Kirby’s Epic Yarn (3DS)
March 8th – Devil May Cry 5 (PS4/Xbox One/PC)
March 13th – Trüberbrook (PC/Mac/Linux)
March 15th – Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 (PS4/Xbox One/PC)
March 15th – One Piece: World Seeker (PS4/Xbox One/PC)
March 22nd – Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PS4/Xbox One/PC)
March 22nd – Unravel Two (Switch)
March 26th – Xenon Racer (PS4/Xbox One/Switch/PC)
March 26th – Telltale’s The Walking Dead Final Season: Episode 4 – Take Us Back (PS4/Xbox One/Switch/PC)
March 26th – Generation Zero (PS4/Xbox One/PC)
March 29th – Assassin’s Creed III Remastered (PS4/Xbox One/PC)
March 29th – Yoshi’s Crafted World (Switch)
March 29th – Tropico 6 (PC/Linux)
With February hopefuls Crackdown 3 and Anthem proving to be critical disappointments, thank God March has a sure-fire hit – the Assassin’s Creed III remaster. Relive the game that redefined franchise fatigue and featured a protagonist who was as interesting as an angsty can-opener. If you can tear yourself away from this abomination that broke WellPlayed Editor-In-Chief’s heart, you’ll be able to give yet another ambitious shared-world shooter-looter ‘just one more go’ with The Division 2. The rest of March’s story is hidden in item descriptions, but I promise it’s worth the effort.
Looking at the roster of game releases coming up in March I’m pretty stoked to see a bunch of releases out of some powerhouse Japanese studios and publishers like Square Enix, Capcom, FromSoftware and Nintendo all in the same month. Titles like Sekiro and Devil May Cry 5 are sure to make waves for action game fans of course, but I’m honestly pretty intrigued by Left Alive. My faith might be misplaced for not really knowing enough about it, but it’s set in the Front Mission universe, which is neat, and the last generation held a couple of pleasant surprises in the forms of Japanese-developed third-person sci-fi shooters like Binary Domain and Vanquish. So here’s hoping history repeats itself!
The middle of the month is pretty chockers with things I’d love to play but probably won’t have time to, like The Division 2, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and the kind-of-interesting-looking Generation Zero, but truly March belongs to just one game. Yoshi’s Crafted World isn’t the game I need to convince me to start using my Switch again, Tetris 99 already did that, but it is the game that will tear me away from Tetris 99. Yoshi’s Woolly World was one of my favourite games of the last generation, and based on what I’ve seen/played, Crafted World looks set to do it again!
March sees a modicum of releases that pique my interest. We’ll start with the one that garners my attention the least, Devil May Cry 5. I’ve always had a level of respect for the DmC games. While they weren’t always my thing, the success and acclaim it has received is nothing to be scoffed at. I already had some interest in the game but after seeing how it played using the Radeon VII (a card which I am more than likely going to buy), I was impressed and it only added to my interest in the game (plus old Dante looks like Father Gascoigne from Bloodborne). Next up is Tom Clancy’s The Division 2. I hated The Division. The game design was just boring, the art was boring, the only thing I liked was the general gameplay, which was impeded by random blokes who refused to die after taking five magazines in the face from my assault rifle. I wanted to like it, so after playing the private beta for the sequel, I was interested in giving it a go. But what really cemented my interest in it was how disappointing Anthem was If the game sticks to the design that was on display during the beta, I’ll gladly play the game. Moving past that, I’ve saved (objectively, don’t @ me) the best for last, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. This is more than likely going to be my GOTY. FromSoftware have never really disappointed me, not even Dark Souls II managed to do it, and I highly doubt Sekiro will be any different. From what we’ve seen (that Game Informer stuff got me so excited) Sekiro looks incredible and I absolutely cannot wait until March 22nd to get my hands on the game.
It’s only March and I am already drowning in games I haven’t played, and with March loaded with promising titles, the only real solution is to add more games to the pile. March gets off to a flyer with my favourite fighting series Dead or Alive 6 dropping on day one of the month. Another favourite series of mine releases its latest iteration early this month with Devil May Cry 5 launching on March 8. I wasn’t a fan of the reboot so I am glad that Capcom has gone back to the series proper. Next up is a juicy little indie that has had my jorts laden with anticipation since I missed its Kickstarter by a couple of days. Trüberbrook is that game, with the handcrafted visuals and 1960s German schtick captivating me. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to hold out for the console launch in April, so a PC purchase may be on the cards (literally on my credit card). With The Sinking City unofficially delayed, the only other game this month that tickles my pickle is Generation Zero, although I am bound to be terrible at it.
Jordan lives and breathes Dark Souls, even though his favourite game is Bloodborne. He takes pride in bashing his face on walls and praising the sun. Hailing from the land of tacos, he is the token minority for WellPlayed.