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Where Does The Monster Hunter World Content End?

News about the first free update, PS4 bundles for Japan, ANOTHER beta test (with new content), and much more.

Kicking the new year off right, we have a massive deluge of announced content for Monster Hunter World, a game so promising it could set the standard for all of 2018.

A Capcom hosted livestream has spotlighted some of the free DLC coming to the game, some day to day reward features – and of course, a huge menagerie of monsters:

(The video has since been removed!)

A fantastic bit of news is that another PS4 beta period is planned, right before the release of the game (January 19th and January 22nd), providing players another chance (or perhaps their first taste) at the game to better become acquainted with it. This beta period will not require PlayStation Plus, so everyone is welcome to give it a go – and for returning hunters, a fourth quest will also be available to hunt new prey.

And what will people be hunting in this new beta quest? Oh, just a casual dude known as Nergigante. You may know this critter from most of the promotional art for the game, because he is the games title monster:

Being the title monster (or Flagship Monster to some) means that this big bad is making his debut in Monster Hunter World, and is basically the poster boy. So seasoned hunters will be whetting their blades for the first time against this dude. He is one badass looking elder dragon, and I can’t wait to be mega-maimed by him.

Other great announcements include PS4 hardware bundles, with unique artwork that leads to some very sexy looking controllers, aimed to be released right before the game drops. There is also a horde of Japanese exclusive hardware such as gaming glasses/headset, and edible merchandise if you dare.

The developers also explained that the game will include a daily reward system, encouraging people to jump into the world of Monster Hunter at least once a day to receive items, bonuses and boosts to your quest rewards. The longevity of this title looks more and more promising with every passing day.

The final piece of amazing news is the reveal of the games first free content patch, adding everyone’s favourite angry pickle – Deviljho!

January 26th cannot come soon enough, I can already feel hours of my life preparing to be invested.

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Monster Hunter World will release worldwide on January 26th, for PS4 and Xbox One, with a PC version coming later this year.

Written By Ash Wayling

Known throughout the interwebs simply as M0D3Rn, Ash is bad at video games. An old guard gamer who suffers from being generally opinionated, it comes as no surprise that he is both brutally loyal and yet, fiercely whimsical about all things electronic. On occasion will make a youtube video that actually gets views. Follow him on YouTube @Bad at Video Games


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