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GOG Galaxy 2.0 Could Finally Be The Unified PC Game Launcher To Rule Them All

They say that a hero will save us

Welcome to 2019 PC gamers, where you now need about a a million different game launchers to play your favourite games, download juicy DLC and to check what weird hentai puzzle titles your mates are playing and laugh at them about it.

Ok, a million is a stretch, but as the industry booms and publishers (as well as developers) want a piece of that sweet pie, you are going to need to download a whole bunch of dedicated launchers to stay in the game, which is more of an inconvenience than a deal breaker for me personally but I have been waiting for somebody to truly come along with the kind of launcher to rule them all and bring everything into one tidy, bug free home.

Enter CD Projekt and the good old, DRM friendly GOG GALAXY client.. reborn.

You see GOG Galaxy has actually been around for a while as a nifty alternative to Steam and the like, it is DRM free and has some truly awesome titles that more often than not, have catered to a niche audience. CD Projekt Red (the Cyberpunk 2077 and Witcher team) has already come out saying they do not believe in locking a game behind exclusivity, and the GOG client from parent company CD Projekt has been no exception (Well, with the exception of the GWENT digital card game.. which they admitted took a hit being locked to one platform on PC).

The revamped launcher looks set to bring everything together in a truly unified way among all those launchers and games you have strewn across multiple hard drives, launchers and even consoles going so far as to not only have everything easy to access in one place, but also giving you the ability to still chat with friends, no matter what platform or launcher they are using.

The full official list of features are as follows at this time of writing:

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ONE LIBRARY – Import all your games from PC and consoles, build and organize them into one master collection.

GAME STATS – Keep track of all your achievements, hours played and games owned, combined across platforms.

GAME LAUNCHER – Install and launch any PC game you own, no matter the platform.

FULL CUSTOMISATION – Create custom library views by filtering, sorting, tagging and adding your own visuals like game backgrounds and covers.

GAMES DIRECTORY (TBA) – Follow upcoming releases, and discover games popular among your friends and the gaming community.

Sound good?

You can learn more about GOG Galaxy 2.0 and sign up for the beta here.

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Written By Trent Saunders

Although he has been gaming since the Sega Mega Drive launched in 1990, he still sucks at most games. When not being trash he watches French horror films, drinks herbal tea and secretly loves the music of Taylor Swift.




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