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Chill On The Beach, Score The Cup In Newly Announced Catan Scenarios

Stranger than pineapple on pizza

Catan hasn’t had much coverage on WellPlayed previously. Simply put, it’s just not a game that excites us as much as its more modern contemporaries in the strategic, conflict-lite genre. But when news like this today’s comes around, we owe it to our expanding board game coverage to give Catan a bit of a shout-out.

Beware, one of these things is not like the other.

First up, a Hawaii scenario pack is coming to the Seafarers expansion for the ubiquitous board game, Catan. This will mean a slim pack of low-cost components that will round out the Seafarers module. Details are light at this time, but it will likely be some obviously themed iconography or resources that can add variability and sit neatly in the expansion box.

On the other end of the scale is the bonkers Catan Soccer Fever, a scenario coming to the base game. Riding on the hype of the recent World Cup, we can glean a few key details from the image provided. There will be a new tile featuring a soccer pitch as well as a new board component of some kind.

A spokesperson for Australian board game distributor, VR Distribution, teased that this scenario may involve scoring goals against opponents by using the base game’s supplied dice.

We have yet to get word on a release date or the specifics of these scenarios, but Soccer Fever is certainly heading in an absurd yet curious direction for the long-running franchise.

Are they Aussie-washing the sport by calling it Soccer Fever and not Football Fever? Let us know in the comments or on social media.

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Written By Nathan Hennessy




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