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Devolver Digital Co-Founder Graeme Struthers Wants To Revive The Classic PS1 Title Vagrant Story

Here’s hoping for a comeback

Graeme Struthers, the Co-Founder of Devolver Digital, has stated that he wants Devolver to bring back the PS1 game Vagrant Story.

In our recent interview with Struthers, we asked if there were any pre-existing franchises that he would like Devolver to be involved with, to which he answered, “I have tried twice, to no avail, with Vagrant Story, which was a game released by Square at the very end of PlayStation One era.”

Moreover, Struthers has actually reached out to Square Enix, the company that currently holds the rights to the IP, saying, “I’ve tried a couple of times with Square, now Square Enix, saying, ‘you’re not doing anything with it; we’d love to have a go at that one.’ Yeah, that’s a personal favourite, so I’ll keep trying.”

Developed and published by Square, Vagrant Story is an action RPG that was released on the original PlayStation in 2000 to near-universal critical acclaim. Despite this, the cult classic title has never received a sequel, much to the dismay of long-time fans like Struthers. Though he hasn’t had any luck securing the rights thus far, it sounds like the Devolver co-founder hopes to see that change one day.

During our interview with Struthers, we covered a whole host of other topics, such as the impact that subscription services have had on publishing games, censorship in the medium and what makes a Devolver game. You can read the full interview HERE.

Have you played Vagrant Story? Would you like to see the PS1 classic make a return? Let us know in the comments or on our social media.

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Written By Adam Ryan

Adam's undying love for all things PlayStation can only be rivalled by his obsession with vacuuming. Whether it's a Dyson or a DualShock in hand you can guarantee he has a passion for it. PSN: TheVacuumVandal XBL: VacuumVandal Steam: TheVacuumVandal




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