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Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree Launches June 21

Rise again, ye Tarnished

The wait is almost over. Long in development Elden Ring expansion Shadow Of The Erdtree will officially launch June 21 on all existing platforms, as confirmed during a reveal trailer that has fanboys frothing.

There’s plenty to break down within the three or so minute trailer, namely the reveal of Messmer the Impaler, a new potential foe sporting a killer look, and a ton of creepy and creative bosses that will no doubt drive us crazy. Theories as to how the DLC ties to the main game both in timeline and character are abound, though the trailer throws up more questions than answers, in the best way.

Along with a rather enjoyable reveal trailer, Bandai Namco and FromSoftware also confirmed a new collector’s edition that looks rather spiffy, featuring a massive Messmer statue and a hard-cover artbook. Fingers and toes crossed we will get access to this locally in Australia and New Zealand, but keep an eye out for confirmation on that soon.

Are you keen, Tarnished? Will you be groveling at Messmer’s feet? Let us know in the comments down below and in our socials what you think about the reveal trailer and what it all means.

Written By Mark Isaacson

Known on the internet as Kartanym, Mark has been in and out of the gaming scene since what feels like forever, growing up on Nintendo and evolving through the advent of PC first person shooters, PlayStation and virtual reality. He'll try anything at least once and considers himself the one true king of Tetris by politely ignoring the world records.




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