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EXCLUSIVE: New The Day Before Teaser Trailer Shows Fast Cars And Helicopters

Tracy Chapman’s The Day Before

Developer Fntastic has shared an exclusive new trailer for its upcoming, highly-anticipated action MMO The Day Before with WellPlayed and it has left us with more questions than perhaps ever before. As part of our exclusive coverage of the game, which includes an in-depth interview with Fntastic founders Eduard and Aisen Gotovtsev, we can also bring you a brand-new trailer that spotlights…a very shiny sportscar tearing through the streets of New Fortune City, the game’s post-apocalyptic playground.

The trailer opens with the familiar, haunting sound of air raid sirens wailing but the noise is quickly met with and matched by the roaring engine of a high-end car. It’s a genuinely surprising sight as the bright orange car races past derelict buildings, overgrown foliage and stray wildlife, eventually skidding to a stop as “get ready for the best survival experience of the year” fades in on screen.

If you’re wondering how and why a seemingly brand-new sports car is a viable mode of transport during a zombie apocalypse, so are we. But it’s certainly a conversation starter footage, something Fntastic and publisher Mytona are no strangers to. Elsewhere in the trailer a sweeping shot of New Fortune City is seen and soaring high above the ground is a lone helicopter. While hardly the focal point of the trailer, this could potentially be teasing the use of vehicles other than cars in the game, possibly even linked to the borderline-Sim elements Fntastic hinted at during our interview with them.

“…players will have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in this new world, exploring a huge skyscraper city called New Fortune City,” Eduard and Aisen said when asked about the core gameplay of The Day Before, going on to note that players will be “…purchasing houses and vehicles, and creating unique, personal narratives along the way”. While WellPlayed did seek clarification on whether or not The Day Before would allow users to purchase these cosmetics via microtransactions, Fntastic did not respond at the time of publication.   

The Day Before is set to release on PC on November 10, with the game also coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X|S at a later date.

What do you think of the trailer? Be sure to let us know in the comments below and on social media.

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Written By James Wood

One part pretentious academic and one part goofy dickhead, James is often found defending strange games and frowning at the popular ones, but he's happy to play just about everything in between. An unbridled love for FromSoftware's pantheon, a keen eye for vibes first experiences, and an insistence on the Oxford comma have marked his time in the industry.




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