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FIFA 20 Demo Now Available For Download

Try before you kick

It is sport game season once more. Ahead of its release on the 27th of September, FIFA 20 now has a free demo available for download now on PS4, Xbox One and PC. The demo is roughly 6.5gb in size so as long as you have the space free on your console you can jump in and give it a crack prior to release.

The demo is pretty much what you would expect as it allows you to kick-off a standard FIFA match between a small handful of high-tier teams. Surprisingly though, you are also able to play a game of Volta, the 3 on 3 mode similar to FIFA Street. I’m not a soccer fan by a long shot, but I did love FIFA Street so I am pumped to be able to give that a go.

Bad news for those looking to play FIFA 20 on the Switch however, as the demo is currently unavailable on Nintendo’s platform. Keen for FIFA 20? Looking forward to Volta? Let us know

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Adam's undying love for all things PlayStation can only be rivalled by his obsession with vacuuming. Whether it's a Dyson or a DualShock in hand you can guarantee he has a passion for it.

PSN: TheVacuumVandal
XBL: VacuumVandal
Steam: TheVacuumVandal

Written By Adam Ryan

Adam's undying love for all things PlayStation can only be rivalled by his obsession with vacuuming. Whether it's a Dyson or a DualShock in hand you can guarantee he has a passion for it. PSN: TheVacuumVandal XBL: VacuumVandal Steam: TheVacuumVandal




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