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Overwatch 2 Reveals Their Space Ace In The Hole, Juno

Greetings from Mars

After touching down in a space pod earlier in the season, the latest Overwatch 2 newcomer now has a proper face and a name – Juno!

Armed with her versatile Mediblaster and Pulsar Torpedoes, Juno provides simultaneous healing and damage in support of her team. She also has stellar personality, full of pep and energy:

With an amazingly varied kit, Juno seems to have brought the very best of Mars’ technology to the battlefield. One of her most interesting abilities is her Hyper Ring – where she effectively summons a Mario Kart-esque boost zone to help her allies zoom from one place to another.

Juno is equipped with Pulsar Torpedoes that can lock onto multiple targets. Her Glide Boost ability allows her to swiftly maneuver the battlefield to provide critical support wherever she’s needed. Juno’s Hyper Ring propels the team into action, while her Ultimate Orbital Ray boosts damage and replenishes health.

It does seem like she has a tool for every situation – so the question will be, what is her weakness? Perhaps her bountiful utility means that she is lacking raw healing output, or maybe her cooldowns are terrifyingly long.

The good news is, a test period will be available in game so people can get used to playing AS her, WITH her and AGAINST her. Then if there is any special way to crack this nut, everyone will be ready for her official launch in Season 12 in August.

Are you hungry for some space ranger action? What about smart-lock healing torpedoes? Tell us all about it in the comments, or on social media.

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Written By Ash Wayling

Known throughout the interwebs simply as M0D3Rn, Ash is bad at video games. An old guard gamer who suffers from being generally opinionated, it comes as no surprise that he is both brutally loyal and yet, fiercely whimsical about all things electronic. On occasion will make a youtube video that actually gets views. Follow him on YouTube @Bad at Video Games




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