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The New Overwatch Character Is Drilling And Thrilling In An Upcoming Preview Trial

Also has a hot new gameplay trailer to show you what they are capable of

Announced back at BlizzCon, the newest character making their way to Overwatch 2 is named Venture – and people can try them out in a limited-time playtest trial coming extremely soon.

With a fairly spectacular drilling device, Venture has the bonkers ability to literally submerge beneath the earth and launch subterranean shock-attacks. This isn’t hit-and-run tactics, this is dig-and-donk. It’s amazing – take a look for yourself:

Taking the cool trope of “Rugged and resourceful archaeologist” a step further into the realm of Overwatch, Venture seems pretty keen to keep people away from artefacts that absolutely belong in a museum. The end of the trailer even sees Venture happen across the Anubis AI that had a hand in setting off the Omnic crisis as we know it – a pretty huge lore event. But, I am getting ahead of myself.

Venture is a damage hero with some seriously unique gimmicks – the greatest being that movement ability. The dig ability seems to make Venture un-targetable for damage, so if you hated Sombra stealthing in and out of your backline you best prepare for the earth moving under your feet. They can also use the smart driller to shoot projectiles, so Venture isn’t exclusively forced to buzz in melee range. Their ultimate also appears to be a GIGANTIC frontal cone ability that would bring a tear to my boy Reinhardt’s eye – so the two might be able to pull off some amazing crump’n’drump double teams.

Thankfully, the gameplay trial for Venture should do a lot to get people ready for what they bring to the table – especially considering that Venture will also be the first Overwatch 2 hero debut that doesn’t come locked for the majority of players. Might be worth jumping into that trial even if you have no interest in wielding the drill, if only to prepare for what is coming when Overwatch Season 10 drops  in April.

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Try out Venture in the gameplay test over March 28 to March 31.

Do you have a mighty need to get drill silly? Let us know in the comments or on social media.

Written By Ash Wayling

Known throughout the interwebs simply as M0D3Rn, Ash is bad at video games. An old guard gamer who suffers from being generally opinionated, it comes as no surprise that he is both brutally loyal and yet, fiercely whimsical about all things electronic. On occasion will make a youtube video that actually gets views. Follow him on YouTube @Bad at Video Games




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