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The Best PS4 Dynamic Themes

Trent spends all his money to track down the cream of the crop

I am one of those people who buys dumb stuff occasionally purely for the sake of it, either out of pure boredom or total disregard for my financial situation. PS4 themes are no exception. It is like an ice addiction, but one that is slightly cheaper to manage and without the side effect of looking like I scraped my face over concrete for two days straight.

Choosing a cool dynamic theme for your PS4 can be a tedious slog on the Australian PlayStation store with a disappointing lack of video previews available. This means for those who are living dangerously (like me) and don’t do their research on Youtube first on what they are actually buying, it can be a bit of a gamble as to if the purchase is going to be the second coming of Christ for your dashboard, or pure shit.

So to help you out on the hunt for a sexy new PS4 home screen, I have spent my money so that you don’t have to and compiled a list (in no particular order) of what I believe are the best dynamic themes available on the Aussie store in terms of presentation, music and artistic merit.

Transistor (Supergiant Games)


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The VEV Collection (Truant Pixel)


Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture Collection (The Chinese Room / Sony Santa Monica)


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Journey (thatgamecompany)


Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End – Ink Dynamic Theme (Naughty Dog)


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Firewatch (Campo Santo)


Obviously there are many more dynamic themes that are pretty damn cool (and others which are pure garbage) as well as some very slick static themes (Skullgirls 2nd Encore, The Witcher III & Valkyria Chronicles are great examples) but I hope this list narrows the search down to a bunch of the best ones you can throw your hard-earned cash at.

Got a better list? Did I skip something truly awesome and should be beheaded for missing it?

Let us know!

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Written By Trent Saunders

Although he has been gaming since the Sega Mega Drive launched in 1990, he still sucks at most games. When not being trash he watches French horror films, drinks herbal tea and secretly loves the music of Taylor Swift.


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