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Z Fighters Shown Off For Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

*Insert dead Yamcha meme here*

The upcoming open world title Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot looks to be one of the most ambitious Dragon Ball Z games of all time, including story beats from at least the first two sagas of the anime. We’ve known that Goku would be playable in-game, but Bandai Namco have recently revealed three more playable characters along with some of the Z Fighters making an appearance as support characters.

These characters are:

  • Vegeta (Playable)
  • Gohan (Playable)
  • Piccolo (Playable)
  • Krillin (Support)
  • Yamcha (Support)
  • Chiaotzu (Support)
  • Tien Shinhan (Support)

See the original twitter post from Bandai below with some awesome looking screenshots to boot.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC early 2020.

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Written By Zachary Reardon

Zachary is a console gamer at heart, but is slowly coming over to the PC side. Rhythm games like Project Diva and Groove Coaster are his comfort food, but is happy to dive into any genre if it looks enticing enough. His favourite game of all time is Portal 2 despite his struggle with modern puzzle games. Twitter - @simply_daft PSN - SimplyDaft Twitch - Simply_Daft


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