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Zoltun Kulle’s Legacy Returns In Diablo IV’s Season Of The Construct

You can even build-a-buddy!

Diablo IV’s third season of content has been revealed, showing off the handiwork of Sanctuary’s most powerful mage – Zoltun Kulle.

Turns out our favourite founder of the Horadrim left some of his best work abandoned, and now we can both play with it AND be decimated by it’s awesome power. Thanks Zoltun.

The story of this season sounds incredible, with players delving into Kulle’s long lost contraption: “The Loom”. With this we will battling some rattly skele-robots, whilst also befriending (and building) our own bot companion. Neat.

The full feature list for Season of the Construct includes:

  • Created by Zolton Kulle and Ayuzhan of Caldeum, an ancient technology known as the Loom has been usurped by the Demon Malphas. In this all-new quest line, team up with Zoltun’s former companion, Ayuzhan, to defeat Malphas and his deadly constructs.
  • Visit the Gatehall, a new town centre underneath Kehjistan, which will serve as your base of operations in the fight against the Constructs.
  • You will acquire your very own Seneschal Companion during the Seasonal Questline which will fight by your side and can be customised to fit your playstyle.
  • Using magical Governing and Tuning Stones recovered from the Vaults, you can augment the Seneschal. Governing Stones determine which attacks your Seneschal perform, and Tuning Stones augment those skills and provide greater utility.
  • Vaults are a deadly new dungeon riddled with various elemental Hazards and a new monster family, The Constructs. At World Tier III, Nightmare Vaults will unlock.
  • When entering a vault, you can convert Pearls of Warding and be blessed by Zoltun’s Warding, a special layered blessing that grants access to riches within the Vaults. These will diminish stack by stack if you fall prey to the Hazards within. Pearls of Warding can increase the risk by exchanging them for stacks of Zoltun’s Warding, but success will see your reward increase as well.
  • Pearls of Warding can be obtained from destroying Elite Constructs during Arcane Tremors in the overworld.

Zoltun Kulle has long been one of my favourite characters in the lore, if only for his deserved arrogance at how powerful he was in life – and how he could actually crow about it in death. Seriously, the dude was happy to haunt players and remind them just how great he was.

For PC players, there is also a super neat little announcement tucked away in the notes:

  • Those on PC can now traverse Sanctuary by using W-A-S-D keys on the keyboard.

So people who want to play in a more new-age, traditional sense like your console comrades – the devs have you covered! I am actually quite curious to see how I might gel with the WASD scheme, so I will absolutely giving it a crack when the content goes live.

Are you vibing with building your very own robot friend? Let us know in the comments, or on social media.

Discover the secrets of Zoltun Kulle’s Loom when Season of the Construct goes live on January 24.

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Written By Ash Wayling

Known throughout the interwebs simply as M0D3Rn, Ash is bad at video games. An old guard gamer who suffers from being generally opinionated, it comes as no surprise that he is both brutally loyal and yet, fiercely whimsical about all things electronic. On occasion will make a youtube video that actually gets views. Follow him on YouTube @Bad at Video Games




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