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Aussie Customs Got Fooled By Sakuna: of RICE and Ruin’s Title.

This isn’t the parcel you’re looking for

As Aussies we are well aware of our country’s tough stance on customs and importing natural goods. An Australian YouTuber Jay RPG posted his latest game purchase on Twitter the other day (see Tweet below), the farming sim beat-em-up combo Sakuna: of Rice and Ruin that has already sold 500,000 copies according to Marvelous Games yesterday. Check out our review to see what all the hype is about. Jay RPG posted a picture of his package, which shows a Customs seal identifying that his package has been searched by the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment and no objects of biosecurity were found. Guess the Department got hung up on the name, thought there was actual rice in there and did their due diligence, with no damage to the items.

Take care future game developers, games with food in the title may get searched, but alls well that ends well. Sakuna: of Rice and Ruin is out now on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4 and PS5.

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Written By Eleanore Blereau

When Eleanore isn’t trying to figure out how the Earth works she’s trying to pay off her loan in Animal Crossing, complete her Pokedex or finishing one more RPG or platformer. She is a lover of great characters, cute or creative art styles and awesome game soundtracks.




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