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Crypt Custodian Cleans Up With New Demo

Crypt Sweeper

Crypt Custodian, a new indie title about a little cat with the big job of cleaning up the twisted world of the afterlife, is getting a new demo. From solo developer Kyle Thompson, Crypt Custodian casts you as a wide-eyed, broom-swinging cat named Pluto who is doomed to clean up the afterlife in this Metroidvania hack-n-slash experience. Announced just eight months ago, Thompson is gearing up to drop the game’s first demo, expected to hit Aussie Steam sometime tomorrow.

Chances are that you’re familiar with Thompson’s previous game, Islets, a hand-painted Metroidvania that is currently sitting at Overwhelmingly Positive on Steam and maintains a killer reputation in the genre community. Crypt Custodian looks to continue the Portland-based dev’s penchant for stylistic worlds and sharp action, only now played out across larger 3D spaces and a sprawling map.

It calls to mind something like the acclaimed Death’s Door, only this time with an expanded game world and, well, adorable cats. The full trailer, which we’ve dropped below, shows off a great array of skills and weapons, bosses and platforming challenges, all couched in a vibrant art direction and boppy soundtrack.

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You can jump over to Crypt Custodian’s Steam page to Wishlist the game now in preparation for its demo drop sometime tomorrow.

Written By James Wood

One part pretentious academic and one part goofy dickhead, James is often found defending strange games and frowning at the popular ones, but he's happy to play just about everything in between. An unbridled love for FromSoftware's pantheon, a keen eye for vibes first experiences, and an insistence on the Oxford comma have marked his time in the industry.




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