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Don’t Forget To Claim Your Free 3,000 Overwatch Credits This Week

Offer is live now until October 17

Not that long ago we ran a piece explaining that a bug in Overwatch 2 had resulted in players missing out on some freebie anniversary currency, with the Overwatch developers admitting that their best resolution was to just forego the in-game method to dole out the dosh, and instead just give people a big stinkin’ lump sum at a later date.

Well, that later date is here – by opening Overwatch 2 from now until the 17th of this month (October), you will receive 3,000 Overwatch credits. This currency can be used for a massive range of older cosmetics, and an ever-growing range of new and returning exclusive nifties.

As for what 3,000 Overwatch credits can buy you, well it’s far from a paltry sum. Some quick napkin math reveals that you can really dig deep into dressing up your favourite Overwatch Barbie, by grabbing any of the following options:

  • 1x New Legendary Skin [@1800 Coins each]
  • 3x Retro Legendary Skins [@1000 Coins each]
  • 12x Retro Epic Skins [@250 Coins each]
  • 40x Rare Skins [@75 Coins each]
  • 12x Highlight intros [@250 Coins each]
  • Tons of voice lines or sprays

That is without even digging into the ‘Event Store’ which houses a bunch of unique options, including new heroes – handy if you are missing any of the newer cast of Overwatch 2 characters. You can also grab a bunch of special skins that debuted during events past, with some of these items having never been available to purchase before.

I personally nabbed an older Widowmaker skin – the “Spider” skin, which has some wicked eyes:

Just a shame that I am terrible at Widowmaker.

But that skin alone made has made this Halloween gift a big win in my eyes. Well worth your time if you want to get your Overwatch cast into the dressing room.

Have you jumped into the game to grab your free pocket scratch? What did you buy? Let us know in the comments or on social media.

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Written By Ash Wayling

Known throughout the interwebs simply as M0D3Rn, Ash is bad at video games. An old guard gamer who suffers from being generally opinionated, it comes as no surprise that he is both brutally loyal and yet, fiercely whimsical about all things electronic. On occasion will make a youtube video that actually gets views. Follow him on YouTube @Bad at Video Games




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