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Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition Is On The Way To PS5 And PC

Aloy will once again head to PC

PlayStation and Guerilla Games have announced Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition, releasing on PS5 on October 6 and on PC in 2024.

Just as the original did, Forbidden West is getting the Complete Edition treatment, combining the base game, the Burning Shores expansion and some additional content into one package. A sequel to Guerilla’s successful new IP, Forbidden West took protagonist Aloy into a new location, kitted her out with new gear, weapons and abilities, and pitted her against a range of new machine enemies, all while looking absolutely stunning. We gave Forbidden West a 9.

Picking up after the events of the base game, Burning Shore introduced a new villain and a fresh story for Aloy to uncover, as well as a few new mechanical menaces to overcome, set in the Hollywood hills and surrounding Los Angeles area. We gave Burning Shores an 8.5.

Running at $109.95, the Complete Edition will include:

  • Horizon Forbidden West for PS5
  • Burning Shores DLC for PS5
  • Digital soundtrack
  • Digital art book
  • Horizon Zero Dawn Vol. 1: The Sunhawk digital comic book
  • Extras in Photo Mode (special pose and face paint)
  • In-game items unlocked via story progression:
    • Carja Behemoth Elite outfit ·Carja Behemoth Short Bow
    • Nora Thunder Elite outfit
    • Nora Thunder Sling
    • Apex Clawstrider Machine Strike piece
    • Resources pack

Excitingly, this announcement comes alongside the confirmation that Forbidden West, and the Complete Edition no less, will be making its way to PC “in early 2024.” This marks a continuing trend of big PlayStation first-party titles making their way over to PC after a period of console exclusivity. Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition is ready to be wishlisted on Steam and the Epic Games Store.

Have you played Horizon Forbidden West? Will you be getting on board with the Complete Edition? Let us know in the comments or on our social media.

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Written By Adam Ryan

Adam's undying love for all things PlayStation can only be rivalled by his obsession with vacuuming. Whether it's a Dyson or a DualShock in hand you can guarantee he has a passion for it. PSN: TheVacuumVandal XBL: VacuumVandal Steam: TheVacuumVandal




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