The review embargo for Respawn’s latest game, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has just lifted and the verdict is in, Darth Vader is indeed Luke Skywalker’s father. People have been eagerly awaiting reviews for this Star Wars game, especially since the last two Star Wars games have been mired in controversy and just poor reception. The general reception from critics seems to be fairly positive, with most agreeing that this foray back into single-player focused action games is where the IP should be heading. So lets meditate on these opinions and let the force be our guide.
All of these review excerpts include a link to the full article, so please make sure you follow them and give the full review a read.
GamesRadar+: 4/5
“Even if this isn’t the most polished Star Wars game we’ve seen, it’s also the first one in years that comes closest to capturing the magic of the series. Battlefront looked like Star Wars. Fallen Order, with an endearing earnestness that mirrors its heroes, gets what makes the series special. It’s in the glimpses of strange worlds and cultures we want to learn more about, it’s enjoying the ragtag groups who slowly learn to trust each other, and it’s the fact that lightsabers are really great fun. Especially when you get them right.”
GameInformer: 8.75/10
“Despite these numerous little problems, Respawn’s maiden voyage with Star Wars is largely a success. I couldn’t put this game down, both for the thrill of exploring and wanting to see where the story took me next. The inspirations taken from Dark Souls, Uncharted, and Metroid Prime unite to create something unique that just happens to work incredibly well for this beloved license. Like most starships in this universe, Jedi: Fallen Order could use a little polish, but the rust doesn’t hold it back from roaring with excitement.”
PowerUp!: 6/10
“With the noteworthy exception of its aesthetics, no single element of Fallen Order feels fully realised. Combat rests too often on bland, unbalanced encounters while ignoring the potential depths of its duels, and exploration feels good but the worlds themselves emerge underdeveloped and disjointed. Both of which are issues I could easily overlook in service of a good Star Wars story but Fallen Order fails to deliver anything we haven’t seen before, only now slightly worse thanks to an unfocused script.”
IGN: 9/10
“It’s been ages since we got a great single-player Star Wars action game, but Jedi: Fallen Order makes up for a lot of lost time. A strong cast sells a dark story while keeping things fun and loyal to Star Wars lore, and fast, challenging combat mixes with energetic platforming, decent puzzles, and diverse locations to explore for an all-around amazing game.”
Destructoid: Unscored (Review in progress)
“My planet exploration days are early yet, and there’s some issues lurking in the darkness, but for the first time in a while I’m enamored by a Star Wars game. I don’t know if it’s going to reach God of War 2018 heights, but right now it’s trying. Jedi: Fallen Order is safe, but a pleasant surprise nonetheless.”
Twinfinite: 4/5
“Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is the Star Wars game that fans have been crying out for years now. While it doesn’t do anything new, its clear inspirations from Dark Souls and Tomb Raider have helped to create an epic, sprawling adventure that’ll have you ready for more the moments the credits roll. If only there had been more of it, because once I started, I didn’t want to stop.”
Press Start: 9/10
“Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is the Star Wars game fans have been waiting for. It brings together a strong story, addictive combat and an earnest dedication to recreating that Star Wars magic to offer one of the best Star Wars games in over a decade. It’s an experience that any Star Wars fan can’t afford to miss.”
GameSpot: 8/10
“Fallen Order becomes perhaps the strongest conception of what playing as a Jedi Knight ought to really be like. It’s true that Fallen Order borrows liberally from other action games, but those elements work together with Respawn’s combat and environment design, and a story that finds humanity in the Force and in its characters, to hone in on what makes the world of Star Wars worthy of revisiting again and again. Even with some rough edges, Fallen Order represents one of the most compelling game additions to the Star Wars franchise in years.”
Fair to say that the consensus is leaning towards Fallen Order being a hit, but what do you think? Will the positivity sway you to pick up a copy? Our review is currently in the works, so keep an eye here for another review coming soon.
Adam's undying love for all things PlayStation can only be rivalled by his obsession with vacuuming. Whether it's a Dyson or a DualShock in hand you can guarantee he has a passion for it.
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- Adam Ryan
- Adam Ryan
- Adam Ryan
- Adam Ryan

Adam's undying love for all things PlayStation can only be rivalled by his obsession with vacuuming. Whether it's a Dyson or a DualShock in hand you can guarantee he has a passion for it. PSN: TheVacuumVandal XBL: VacuumVandal Steam: TheVacuumVandal