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We Wish You A Messy Christmas: Mortal Kombat 1 Drops A Festive Fatality

Bad luck to those on the naughty list

Mortal Kombat 1 is dishing out some season’s beatings with the upcoming release of it’s third season of invasion content – with another seasonal fatality available to spread some holiday cheer (and viscera).

It seems that the holiday season is alive and well across the realms of Mortal Kombat – considering that a very special someone makes an appearance to wish us all a happy holiday:

The brutal finisher begins with a comically large candy cane meeting the poor victims cranium. This sweet treat shatters a little, revealing a conveniently savage pointed end – perfect for impaling the bruised sucker with your …sucker.

With the poor sap stuck to the ground, we hear the thunder of hooves – and sure enough, a sleigh is approaching – lead by one beastly creature that has a tell-tale glowing, red nose. A trampling occurs, and the razor sharp runners of the sleigh neatly decapitate the victim – the head deftly flicking up into a gift basket, carried by the driver of the sled. The mystical vehicle takes to the sky, and we hear the words “MERRY CHRISTMAS!” as it departs.

This figure sure looks a lot like General Shao – perhaps this is a timeline where he decides to become some kind of Santa equivalent? Man, imagine the gifts he is bringing to all the kids of Outworld if he is grabbing conveniently decapitated noggins on his journey.

Of course, being a seasonal fatality you can find it in the in-game store for a nominal fee. Slightly irksome to be buying finishers – but begrudgingly I have to admit that the effort and presentation on display for these items is cool enough to justify a few bucks. NetherRealm did address the backlash by offering a bundle for the seasonal finishers with a more palatable price – although I admit I am unsure if you can still grab that one. Might be worth a Google.

But if you are keen to smack down your opponents with the help of Shao-nta Claus, check out the Season 3 update for Mortal Kombat 1 now.

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What do you think of the deadly reindeer games? Let us know in the comments (komments?) or on social media.

Written By Ash Wayling

Known throughout the interwebs simply as M0D3Rn, Ash is bad at video games. An old guard gamer who suffers from being generally opinionated, it comes as no surprise that he is both brutally loyal and yet, fiercely whimsical about all things electronic. On occasion will make a youtube video that actually gets views. Follow him on YouTube @Bad at Video Games




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