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Big Fan Is Devolver Digital’s New Publishing Arm Focusing On Adapting Existing Properties

I’m a Big Fan of this announcement

Devovler Digital has revealed Big Fan, a standalone publisher that will focus solely on adapting existing properties.

For the last 15 years, Devolver Digital has been publishing some of the most unique and well-received indie games in the medium. Now, it’s looking to tackle the wild world of IP adaptations. Big Fan, as an entity, will work alongside independent developers to create games within existing franchises, from movies and TV to comics and books.

The statement announcing Big Fan references putting the fans first by bucking the trend of pushing out tie-in games as an extension of marketing, instead putting the creatives in control to put their spin on a beloved series or franchise.

“Like you, we’re really into games. But when it comes to “licensed games”, we think there’s room for a new approach. One where indie developers get to make the call. To take some risks and explore unique ideas that aren’t dictated by spreadsheets. So we formed Big Fan to help make that dream a reality.” The statement continues, “From a team that carries a deep bench of experience working with games and entertainment properties like Dune, Star Wars, Blade Runner, Lord of the Rings, Hellboy, Evil Dead, John Wick, Blair Witch, The Power Rangers and more.”

We don’t have any game reveals to coincide with the publisher’s launch, but we know that members of the team have previously worked with companies such as Disney, Dark Horse Comics, Rebellion, and Lionsgate. In fact, the press release hints that Big Fan is currently working with these partners and others currently, with more info on new projects on the way soon.

It’s no great secret that I’m very partial to Devolver Digital, having helped ship many of my favourite indie titles, from Hotline Miami and Ape Out to Katana Zero and Titan Souls, so I’ve got my fingers crossed they can work a similar magic with existing franchises.

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For now, we should keep an eye on Big Fan’s newly created social accounts for any reveals and announcements. You can find links to Big Fan’s XFacebookYouTube, and Instagram here.

Written By Adam Ryan

Adam's undying love for all things PlayStation can only be rivalled by his obsession with vacuuming. Whether it's a Dyson or a DualShock in hand you can guarantee he has a passion for it. PSN: TheVacuumVandal XBL: VacuumVandal Steam: TheVacuumVandal


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