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Pokémon Presents February 2023 Recap

That Pokémon Presents was a bit of a Poké-snooze

Happy Pokémon Day everyone! For a number of years now, the Pokémon Company has marked the occasion with a Pokémon Presents, similar to Nintendo’s Directs. These presentations usually cover a range of topics, from mobile games to mainline games. Here is our recap of this year’s Pokémon Presents:

  • This year’s Pokémon World Championships will be hosted in Yokohama, Japan and has an adorable logo.
  • Pokémon Trading Card Classic is a fancy ‘premium’ reprint of the OG Pokémon Trading Card Game cards in sleek black packaging. More information to come in the future. It was co-designed by Nendo, Creatures and The Pokemon Company. It is supposed to ‘last a lifetime’.
  • Pokémon is partnering with Netflix on a new tv series called Pokémon Concierge. Produced by Dwarf Studios, the show is set at the Pokémon Resort. We get to see a human character and Psyduck in a teaser.
  • Zacian is being added to Pokémon Unite.
  • Pokémon Cafe Remix is getting Gen 9 food and is introducing starters Fuecoco, Sprigatito, and Quaxly. If you log in by the 17th of March, you get a special Geninja Great chef outfit.
  • Pokémon Masters EX is getting a special champions rally including Galar Region Neo Champions Hop, Bede and Marnie.
  • After being announced ages ago, Pokémon Sleep actually exists. Releasing later this year, it’s a game that will have you looking forward to waking up in the morning. The game/app monitors your sleep patterns, with different Pokémon showing around a giant Snorlax depending on how you slept. Coming to iOS and Android. The Pokémon Go Plus+ is a new device that can be used in Pokémon Go and Pokémon Sleep.
  • Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are getting two new paradox Pokémon, A prehistoric Suicune called Walking Wake, and Future Virizion called Iron Leaves. They will be obtainable in raids later today. Pokémon Go connectivity is coming soon to Scarlet and Violet as well as Pokémon Home support.
  • Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are getting DLC called The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero. Part One is called The Teal Mask, Part Two is called The Indigo Disk. The DLC is coming in two sections in Spring and Summer this year. In the Teal Mask, we will venture to the land of Kitakami as part of a school trip. In the Indigo Disk, we will be studying as exchange students at Blueberry Academy. Familiar Pokémon will be returning. Two new Legendaries are headlining the DLC, Orgrepon and Terapogos. New outfits will also be available through the DLC. Also, a special Hisuian Zoroark will be gifted to you if you pre-purchase.

You can watch the Pokémon Presents here:

This Direct was quite underwhelming if you were hoping for more games, a remake, or retro titles which many expected after the announcement of Game Boy games on Switch. Hopefully, they will come eventually whenever we get more Pokémon news later this year.

What did you think of the DLC and the presentation? Let us know in the comments below or on our social media.

Written By Eleanore Blereau

When Eleanore isn’t trying to figure out how the Earth works she’s trying to pay off her loan in Animal Crossing, complete her Pokedex or finishing one more RPG or platformer. She is a lover of great characters, cute or creative art styles and awesome game soundtracks.




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